Your Tires: How a Toonie Can Save Your Life
Tire problems are one of the major causes of car accidents. Keeping a careful eye on your tires before putting you or your family in your vehicle is something we all should do – but often don’t. A set of worn or old tires or treads (the grooves in your tires that offer stability and traction) can cause:
- Blowouts & Tread Separation > which can cause your vehicle to skid off the road or into oncoming traffic under high speeds (maybe even flipping your car)! Or throwing tire debrit into other vehicles endangering their lives.
- Under Inflation > causing everything from loud embarrassing noises, dangerous pulling to one side making it difficult to steer, or even destroying your wheel rims (very costly).
- Hydroplaning > A terrifying loss of control over wet surfaces directing your car off road or into oncoming traffic or pedestrians.
- Reduced Snow Traction > nothing ruins a day like pushing a stuck car in a foot of cold wet snow.
- Increased Fuel Costs > low tire pressure will cost you more money in fuel and do long term damage to your wheel itself

New tires normally come with 10/32” or 11/32” tread depths. The minimum safe tire tread depth is 2/32″. A quick Canadian way to check how yours are doing:
- Put a toonie in-between your treads (the valley between 2 treads).
- If the tread reaches the bear’s paws, your tires are looking good (no worries).
- If the silver part of the toonie is covered by the tread block, your tires are about half worn.
- If the tread reaches only as far as the letters in “CANADA”/“DOLLARS”, your tires need to be replaced.