Your Tires: How a Toonie Can Save Your Life
Tire problems are one of the major causes of car accidents. Keeping a careful eye on your tires before putting you or your family in your vehicle is something we all should do – but often don’t.
OPEN: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
OPEN: Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tire problems are one of the major causes of car accidents. Keeping a careful eye on your tires before putting you or your family in your vehicle is something we all should do – but often don’t.
Nothing wrecks a road trip like unwanted stops, tickets or delays at a strange mechanic’s. Ding a few simple things can save you a world of pain before going off on a road trip!
Our cars, as they age, can get costly. We need to understand some simple things we as drivers can do to extend the life of some of the more expensive aspects of our cars
Listen, … as we all age we start hearing our bodies making weird noises they never used to. Most of them aren’t complimentary or helpful and some are downright terrifying and disgusting – well